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Stop aux bombardements et à l’invasion de Gaza par Israël
Aus der Flut aktuell laufender online-Petitionen zur Unterstützung Palästinas greifen wir heraus:
Aufforderung an Präsident Abbas, das Schreiben zum Beitritt Palästinas zum Internationalen Strafgerichtshof ICC zu unterzeichnen - denn der Beitritt zum ICC ist Voraussetzung, dass sich der ICC mit den im Gazakrieg begangenen Verbrechen befassen kann:
We urge President Abbas and the PA to stand-up to US, Israel and Arab world pressures.
Aufforderung von Amnesty International an die US Regierung: Stop arming Israel:
More civilians have been killed than fighters since the Israeli military Operation “Protective Edge” started on 8 July. Call on the U.S. government, Israel’s largest arms supplier by far, to urgently suspend arms transfers to Israel and to push for a UN arms embargo on all parties to the conflict.
Nobel laureates Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Adolfo Peres Esquivel, Jody Williams, Mairead Maguire, Rigoberta Menchú and Betty Williams have published an open letter calling on the UN and governments around the world to impose a military embargo on Israel.
Other signatories include Noam Chomsky, Roger Waters from Pink Floyd, playwright Caryl Churchill, US rapper Boots Riley, João Antonio Felicio, the president of the International Trade Union Confederation, and Zwelinzima Vavi, the general secretary of the Confederation of South African Trade Unions. >>> full text
see also The Guardian, Friday 18 July 2014
On Tuesday, members of Jewish Voice for Peace and Jews Say No! occupied the New York City office of the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, a nonprofit group that raises money in the United States to send to the Israeli military. see video