L'ASP vous remercie pour votre don >>> IBAN: CH80 0900 0000 1000 4334 2 Association Suisse-Palestine
L'ASP vous remercie pour votre don >>> IBAN: CH80 0900 0000 1000 4334 2 Association Suisse-Palestine
Sayed Kashua, The Observer, Sunday 20 July 2014
Sayed Kashua in Jerusalem. ‘I wanted to tell the Israelis a story, the Palestinian story. Surely when they read it they will understand.
The Arab-Israeli author moved to Jerusalem as a child and has devoted his life to telling Israelis the Palestinian story. But last week he decided to emigrate with his family to the US. >>>full story
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Forum für Menschenrechte in Israel/Palästina
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