L'ASP vous remercie pour votre don >>> IBAN: CH80 0900 0000 1000 4334 2 Association Suisse-Palestine
Am 2. Juli 2014 von israelischen Siedlern entführt, gefoltert und ermordet
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns in the strongest possible terms the crime of kidnapping, torturing, killing and burning a Palestinian child, Mohammed Abu Khudair, from Shu’fat neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem, by Israeli settlers. PCHR believes that the Israeli authorities’ connivance with crimes committed by Israeli settlers, supporting and protecting them, and failing to enforce the law against them serve to encourage them to commit more systematic crimes against Palestinian civilians. While PCHR views positively the statement by Robert Serry, the Envoy of the UN Secretary General to the Quartet, strongly condemning the crime of killing the child, it calls upon the international community to immediately act to provide protection to Palestinian civilians in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).
Medienmitteilung der Diplomatischen Vertretung Palästinas in Deutschland
Die verschwundenen drei israelischen Siedler wurden gestern tot aufgefunden. Israelische Siedler haben einen 16-jährigen Palästinenser heute Morgen in Ost-Jerusalem entführt, gefoltert, getötet und verbrannt. Mehr...