Association Suisse-Palestine

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EP logo neg ENAuf die schriftliche Anfrage der irischen Abgeordneten Martina Anderson im EU-Parlament erklärt Vize Präsidentin Mogherini im Namen der Kommission:

The EU stands firm in protecting freedom of expression and freedom of association in line with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which is applicable on EU Member States' territory, including with regard to BDS actions carried out on this territory.

Freedom of expression, as underlined by the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, is also applicable to information or ideas "that offend, shock or disturb the State or any sector of the population".

The EU rejects the BDS campaign's attempts to isolate Israel and is opposed to any boycott of Israel.

>>> Anfrage und Antwort


Access and Movements 



West Bank Movement and Access Update | Sep. 2012

The period between July 2011 and June 2012 was characterized by mixed trends regarding the system of internal movement and access restrictions implemented by the Israeli authorities within the occupied West Bank. A series of significant easing measures improved the connectivity between several villages and the nearest city and service center.   >>> summary (440 KB)       >>> full report (4.4 MB)