Association Suisse-Palestine

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Le Parlement israélien a publié le 30 juillet 2015 une loi qui permet d'alimenter artificiellement et contre leur volonté les prisonniers qui entreprennent une grève de la faim. L'ONU - entre autre - a commenté cette loi en disant qu' Israel légalise de cette manière, une forme de torture.

UN LOGOUN Joint Statement on new Israeli law on force-feeding of detainees - 8 August 2015

The Israeli Medical Association has said that force-feeding is tantamount to torture.[1] United Nations human rights experts[2] have called it a violation of internationally-protected human rights. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Juan E. Méndez, has called “feeding induced by threats, coercion, force or use of physical restraints of individuals, who have opted for the extreme recourse of a hunger strike to protest against their detention … tantamount to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, even if intended for their benefit.”  The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health, Dainius Pûras, has observed that “(u)nder no circumstance will force-feeding of prisoners and detainees on hunger strike comply with human rights standards. Informed consent is an integral part in the realization of the right to health.”[3]             >>> (pdf, en)

Adva Center

48 Years of Military Occupation of the Palestinian Territories:

Israel’s Self-Imposed Socio-Economic Burden

June 4, 2015|By: Shlomo Swirski, Yaron Hoffmann-Dishon         >> download full report

(p21) An International BDS Movement - 2

Israel officials tend to downplay the risks of the BDS movement. The most notable statement made thus far by an
Israeli politician about the possible negative ramifications was by former Finance Minister Yair Lapid, in January
2014. His statement was made during a special discussion convened by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
following warnings sounded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Security Council concerning the
dangers of an ongoing boycott campaign. The Minister of Finance stated:

Lire la suite : The Burden of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict...

Wirtschaftsbeziehungen SchweizIsrael und völkerrechtliche Kohärenz
Grundlagen und Impulse für rechtsbasiertes Handeln

Eine Studie im Auftrag des Forums für Menschenrechte in Israel/Palästina, verfasst von Birgit Althaler unter Mitarbeit von Ingrid Gassner-Jaradat

>>> vollständiger Bericht

Herausgegeben vom Forum für Menschenrechte in Israel/Palästina
c/o cfd Christlicher Friedensdienst Postfach 5761 3001 Bern

Februar 2015