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Berlin, August 3rd, 2020
>>> https://medium.com/humboldt3/victory-in-the-humboldt3-trial-80408bd4a716
>>> https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/riri-hylton/three-activists-go-trial-challenging-israeli-apartheid-berlin
>>> https://samidoun.net/2020/08/humboldt3-mark-political-moral-and-legal-win-over-israeli-colonialism-and-german-state-repression/
Today concluded a three-year saga which started during our disruption of war criminal and apartheid representative MK Aliza Lavie, back in June 2017. The trial ended in victory!
Our win is first and foremost in promoting an unapologetic discourse of resistance to the criminal Israeli apartheid regime in Berlin — the last standing bastion for Zionism. Throughout the trial we insisted on making clear statements that emphasize our legal and moral obligation to oppose Israeli crimes against humanity.
We also claim victory because Majed and Ronnie were fully acquitted, while Stavit received the minimum possible punishment, probably to save face for the prosecution.