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is eager to open up the discussion concerning the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. But is there anyone to engage in the conversation? And why do some members of the younger Palestinian generation prefer talking of civil rights rather than statehood?
"We have 138 countries that said yes to Palestine, nine that said no, of them, the only two important ones are Israel and the US. We are close to statehood. If we fail, we will not disappear or vanish. We will convert our struggle into a civil rights movement. If we do that, the game is over.”
>> read full article >> Sam Bahours Blog
>> „Besatzung hat unser Land zerfetzt“ Interview Taz.de (2.6.17)
1964 in Ohio geboren, kam Sam Bahour mit seiner Familie Mitte der 90er Jahre zurück in die palästinensischen Gebiete. Heute ist er Direktor der Arabisch-Islamischen Bank und Autor wirtschaftlicher und politischer Analysen. Bahour ist verheiratet, hat zwei Töchter und lebt in Ramallah. |